Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lose 10 lbs in 5 seconds!

Swami Ramdev Complete Exercise program-Yogic Jogging

No Govt Interference In Sai Trust: Swami Ramdev

No Govt Interference In Sai Trust: Swami Ramdev

Yoga by Swami Ramdev

"I have brought to you a package of seven simple breathing exercises," Swami Ramdev " announcs. "these are enough to tackle all diseases". "The healthy can practise for two hours daily while the sick will have to put in more efforts". He urged the people to be moderate in their attempts and not over exert. He asked them to reduce medication as their health improved and not to stop medications all of a sudden. He also prescribed some simple stretching exercises to exercise the whole body.
"Do not go in for medication," was his constant refrain. "Whether it is allopathy, ayurveda or homeopathy, medicines should be the last resort if you wish for permanent relief. You cannot achieve good health without some physical effort on your part. Even those taking medicines should continue with the exercises. We are all being constantly bombarded with pollutants; without detoxification by way of deep breathing you cannot stay healthy".
"It is breath that keeps you alive. Nobody has died while breathing. Life and death is in God's hands but let us not hasten our end by neglecting the breath. The breathing exercises provide oxygen to the cells, rejuvenate them, and takes away toxic waste. It regulates, digestion, assimilation and elimination. My brothers, take deep breaths, follow my advice of healthy food, high thoughts and a simple life to be happy and lead a productive, patriotic, altruistic life. Poverty is not the absence of wealth, it is the absence of humane qualities, lack of manly abilities, and the absence of the desire to serve humanity."
"These breathing exercises will clean you at all levels. Disease will fall off and also your bad habits and passions. Good thoughts will replace your destructive tendencies. Patriotism and social skills will improve. Your ability to work hard will improve. All sloth will go, your body and minds will feel light, you will be filled with energy and become model citizen. But my brothers you have to practise what I tell you. It will not do if you just sing my paens and crowd around me for blessings. Baba Ramdev does not cure anyone, pranayam does. I am not here to preach, my yoga is not oratorial, it is practical. Do the yoga and feel the benefits."
What are these seven breathing exercises? They are;

1. Bhastrika : Take deep breath and release. Do it effortlessly, fill up your lungs and force
the entire breath out. Do it with a rhythm. Imagine that all the energy of the
Cosmos is entering into you. Feel that all your poisons are being expelled. Do
it for 5 minutes if you are relatively healthy. Repeat for another five minutes
if you are ailing, but gradually as you get accustomed. Bhastrika is very
important for all kinds of skin problems, however serious and however
strange. Not only leucoderma but also people suffering discoloration due
to burns have benefitted from sincerely practising this pranayama everyday.

2. Kapalbhati: Take in air into your stomach and push it out with a jerk. Only your stomach
should move and not your body. Your outbreath should cause the adams
apple to move as it pushes through the throat. Normally one should do this
for fifteen minutes, five minutes each three times. People with cancers and
other chronic diseases should do this twice a day totalling 30 minutes.
Swamiji places a great importance on this pranayam which he says will
help diabetes, regenerate insulin producing beta cells and also help the
organs in the stomach, the lungs and the heart. It will open blocked arteries
in the heart. MORE >>>>

3. Bahya Pranayam: Take a deep breath and release. Completely push the stomach in
as you force the breath out and hold. Move you head downwards till
the chin is fully in touch with the upper portion of the torso. Hold this
position for 15 seconds and then move the head up as you breathe in. This
is to be repeated five to 11 times.

4. Agnisar: Take a deep breath, pull the stomach in as you breathe out. Now hold the
breathe as you move the stomach in and out in a rhythmic fashion for 15
seconds. Then breathe in again. Repeat this three to five times. This helps
a lot with the digestive and eliminative process.

5. Anulom Bilom: Another very important pranayam. Sit straight, close the right nostril with
your thumb. Place the forefinger on the forehead, then breathe in deeply
with the left nostril. Now close the left nostril with the third and fourth fingers
joined together and breathe out through the right nostril. Take a deep breath
again through the right nostril, close it with the thumb, release the left nostril
and breathe out. This is one cycle. Repeat this cycle continuously for five
minutes. In total do it for fifteen minutes five minutes at a time three times.
This pranayam recharges the entire body, opens all closed apperatures,
sets right the entire flow of energy within the body and activates the chakras.

6. Bhramari: Close the ears with your thumbs, with the second third and fourth fingers
close the eyes, rest the first finger on the forehead, keep the mouth closed.
Now take a deep breath. Release the breath through the nose while making
a loud humming noise with the throat. The noise should reverbate through the
entire body. Repeat the exercise five to 11 times. You will quite enjoy this
pranayam which will relax you and activate all the glands of the head.

7. Udgeeth: This is also a very enjoyable pranayam. Take a deep breath and release the
breath through the mouth making the sound "Om". Repeat this five to 11
times. This puts you in touch with the divine element within you.

"Finish the pranayam exercises with a short contemplative meditation. Thank your Guru and God. Request the divine for a healthy, productive life. Then raise your hands, rub the palms to generate some heat and then place your palms on the face as slightly massage your face. This is the package of the seven pranayams."

To provide the indepth inside into various yoga techniques and to provide a practical guide on yoga we have made available following ebooks via Ayurveda For You for our readers.

Read More >>>>

Read More >>>>

Read More >>>>
People with vata dosha should do pranayam very carefully and should never overexert themselves.

"Do this daily. Take care to see you do not overexert yourself in any manner. Do it according to capacity but follow the minimum routine to get the benefits. These pranayams are a talisman that will help you and besides ensuring a disease free life will lead you towards the ultimate goal of life, samadhi or merger with the divine. While you do your aerobic exercises with loud western music do you pranayams interspersed with thoughts of the divine and prayers on your lips."

The Swami also suggested some simple stretching exercises and proposed some yoga asanas, namely, vajrasana, makarasana, bhungasana, naukasana, utthanpadasana, jogging standing at one place etc, to exercise the spine and keep it flexible and also to reduce flab. The pranayams and the exercises, noted the reporter, did not result in any tiredness or weariness rather they left one fresh and energised. The Swami also pointed this out as a measure to know whether one was doing them correctly. He also taught and demonostrated the Surya Namaskar.

He said people from three years to 90 years all could do the pranayam. Children should perform the Bhastrika, Bhramari and Udgeeth for two minutes, the Kapalbhati and Anulom Bilom for five minutes. Bahya Pranayam and Agnisar also for two minutes. He showed many intricate exercises for the children to perform.

He urged all children to master yoga as their bodies were supple and they could easily master the science. He also asked them to respect parents and elders, stay away from bad habits, burgers, pizzas, noodles and colas. He urged all to become vegetarians. "Children, honour the simple lintels, roti and vegetable dishes your parents serve at home. Do your studies instead of watching dirty programmes on TV. Go to temples instead of parties."
"Life starts with pranayama, the child is made to cry and perform the first pranayam, bhastrika, as it takes a deep breath and starts crying. This ensures blood flow to the brain as well as oxygen. The nervous system and the brain depends on oxygen for optimum performance. It is pranayam that ensures adequate oxygen supply."

"Within nine days of practising pranayama the biochemistry of the body begins to change. In nine months of sincere practice the genetic element changes for the better. This is similar to the way a child gets a shape in nine days and the complete body in nine months. Pranayam gives a completely transformed body mind complex. It gives a person a new life."
The Swamy urged the people to educate themselves about the health benefits of various vegetables, herbs and spices. That way one could have the benefits of ayurveda and make it an integral part of ones life. The people should not hanker after neither the doctor nor medicines, but by learning yoga, pranayama, and the preventive aspects of ayurveda one should take charge of ones own health and life. It is only under extraordinary circumstances that one should go to a doctor and take medicines of any kind.

"The body has within it the capability of healing itself. Learn meditation, accupressure, and such other natural methods so that you yourself can be your own guide. The system has made you dependant and unsure of yourself. The perverted medical system has made you a slave to further its own interests. Break free and be independant once again."

"The system wants you to be a swechchachari, a debauch, so that it can have you in its clutches. If you can control your food, thoughts and passions, you will realise your own worth and the truth will be revealed to you. Whatever you do, how you live your life, how you behave towards others, determines your destiny. All this is in your hands, nobody can do this for you. Wake up from your sloth and sleep and make your own destiny. Do not be afraid of troubles for if you live a good, devoted life, you will get the strength to overcome all obstacles, the world will be at your feet. If all Indians take up pranayama in earnest we will soon have a happy, healthy and transparent India. That is what I am aiming for."
"It is the breath, the gift of God, that is the ultimate medicine. It is the perfect nano medicine. It reaches all corners of the body and cures all ailments. It is the ultimate detoxifier and also the ultimate regenerator as with the breath comes prana, the vital force. This prana takes care of the body, the mind, the emotions, the five elements and also the five bodies that make up our presence in this world. It is a great force, a great teacher, a great guide. One who has control over prana can control anything and everything."

At the camp people narrated on camera how they had benefitted from pranayama and helped control obesity, diabetes, nervous disorders, skin problems, various forms of cancers, brain tumours, eye problems, urticaria, fibroma's, muscular dystrophies etc.

The Swami also narrated how he had met patients with some very rare and strange diseases and helped them with diet, changed lifestyle, yoga and pranayama. "I don't do anything. It is pranayama that cures people."
"It is only those who do not know about yoga who speak against its merits," countered Swami Ramdev, " but when they start practicing and derive benefits they then start singing its praise. I do not blame anybody. People speak according to what they are taught. The medical community should learn that disease management is not the last thing they should aim for. Cures are possible and they are happening. If something can be destroyed it can again be regenerated. Our scriptures have spoken in depth about these things."

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Baba Ramdev -Yoga Science, Pranayam & Yoga Asanas

Baba Ramdev - Kapalbhati Pranayama - Yoga Health Fitness

Baba Ramdev -Yoga Science, Pranayam & Yoga Asanas

Ram Mandir - Proofs

Baba Ramdev -Yoga for High Blood Pressure (Uchch Rakt Chaap)

Yoga Nidra Total Relaxation No More tension

Baba Ramdev -Yoga for Restful Sleep (Yog Nidra)

Baba Ramdev -Yoga for Young Women (Yuvatiyon Ke Liye)

Weight Loss Diet- Yoga Detox: Organic Juicing for Alkalinity



Oil Spill Ocean Ships

When Disaster Strikes: Make Something Good Out Of It



Baba Ramdev -Yoga for Obesity (Motapa Ke Liye)

Even Pakistan could not dare to call Hindu Terrorist - Shri Mohan Bahgwa...

Baba Ramdeo on Modi

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Weird Scholarships for High School Seniors 2011

Looking at weird scholarships for high school seniors 2011 makes the entire process of applying to different scholarships very interesting. This article teaches high school seniors how to make easy and legit money.It's always been noticed that only bright and talented minds qualify for various scholarships and talent hunt competitions. But not any more, today the situation is different, times are different. There are various institutions and clubs which don't give scholarships on academic records but they give you a scholarship based on your inner and real talents. Yes, such different or weird scholarships do exist. All you have to do is find them, fortunately this article is filled with information regarding weird scholarships for high school seniors 2011.

Weird Scholarships for High School Seniors in the Year 2011

Yes, the world is filled with tons of weird scholarships for people with strange talents. After all it's these strange talents that are going to help you stand out in a crowd and show your uniqueness and most of them can help you gain loads of hard cash to support your college funding. Unlike the normal and typical scholarships where selection is done on the basis of GPA, attendance or presence of mind. These scholarships provide you money in respect for your unique talents.

Scholarships for Tall People
If you have to watch your head every time you enter a door, then you might qualify for this strange scholarship. Males have to be 6'2 or taller and females have to be 5'10 or more. If you fit in the height requirements, then you are the front runner for the prize of $1,000 given by the Tall Clubs International Scholarships. All you have to do is write a simple essay titled, "What Being Tall Means to Me"?

Duck Calling Contest
One of the most popular scholarships for high school seniors 2011 is the annual Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest. They give out awards worth $2,000 for students who excel at duck calling.

Vacuum Coating
If you are obsessed with vacuum coating, then you could win a scholarship of $2,000 to $5,000 given by the Society of Vacuum Coaters Foundation. If you want to participate, it's necessary that you should be studying or working in vacuum technology or any other related field.

Potato Scholarship
Are you a big fan of potatoes? They you must love eating French fries and chips. This love for potato could get you at least $2,000. the only condition for this wacky scholarship is that you should be studying something related to potatoes.

California State Fair Step Up Program
It doesn't matter if you had a bad past, what matters is that you are doing everything you can to have a bright future. The Step Up Positive Change Awards donate scholarships worth $1,000 for students who are making significant changes in their life.

Community Scholarships
If you are a born leader and care for the unfortunate from all your heart, then you can certainly apply for the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation community scholarships. One of the best scholarships for high school seniors class of 2011. This scholarship is worth $600,000 and students who have a GPA of 3.25 and do community service wherever it's needed, are eligible for this scholarship.

The Scholarship offers another weird scholarship for high school seniors 2011. Participating in this scholarship requires general knowledge of your your favorite subject. It can be from Lego Blocks to Indian History. Participants should provide answer 50 questions correctly and submit it online. The judges will review your answers and if selected, you can win scholarships worth $5,000.

The Duck Brand Duct Tape Scholarship
This is one of the most easy scholarships for high school seniors. All a couple has to do is to make prom outfits out of duct tape. If you impress the judges, you get $6,000. Couples who enter are also provided large quantities of tape to use.

So these were some of the most weird scholarships for high school seniors 2011. So you see, talent is not about books and big degrees, it's about the real you and what can you do with your talent.

Elementary School Science Fair Projects

Taking part in science fairs is definitely appreciated. But when you hold up a science project that is accurate, thought provoking and logically correct, is much more commendable. Get some ideas from this article...At elementary level, you are not expected to work out on a project that will require in depth knowledge in every disciplines of science. Students are usually explained the basic elements of science dealing with physical, chemical and biological changes taking place around us everyday. Understanding the scientific experiments with logic and intellect is important for creating self designed project works. If you are assigned with the task of setting up an experiment or a project then the following list of science experiments will help you out.

Science Fair Projects for Elementary School

Chose a subject that interests you the most for your science fair project. This would simplify your task and capture your interest as well. Whether it's a biology, physics or chemistry project, you have to make sure that your work is understood by everyone. Explain the aim and procedure of the experiment in detail and then draw a logical inference based on your observations. Other than the basic disciplines of science you can also implement earth science and environmental science topics for your project work.

Crystallization Process
Learning how crystal formation takes place in nature is one of the most interesting subjects of chemistry. In this technique, you should first know the chemistry behind formation of crystals and then work on your project with the help of an example. To perform this experiment, you need to prepare a saturated solution, where solute particles are present in more amount than the solvent. You can add sugar or salt for the solute. In order to set up a crystal garden, you have to spread the saturated solution over a substrate. This is required to accentuate the nucleation process. You can use a sponge, rock or brick as a substrate. The other technique is to spread the solution on a plate. Allow the solution to evaporate slowly by exposing to bright sunlight or by placing a heat source beneath it. Once the solution has evaporated you will find that crystals have formed on the bottom of the container.

Transpiration Current
I'm sure you must have thoroughly read the transpiration process in your theory classes. You can demonstrate the same process in your elementary science fair project. You will require a potometer (instrument that measures transpiration current), a beaker, water, a plant having roots and a tracker dye (preferably eosin) for this purpose. The apparatus has two openings. The lower end of the tube is dipped inside the beaker, filled with colored water (due to the presence of eosin dye). The frontal end is fitted with a cork into which the plant is attached along with the root. Make sure the frontal wide end is air tight. You will gradually notice that the colored water travels through the tube. On observing this, remove the tube from the beaker and allow air to pass through it. Insert the tube once again in the water. On doing this, you will observe an air bubble passing through the tube. Transpiration creates a suction pressure due to which air bubble formation has taken place. You can calculate the current by the given formula as you already know the volume of the potometer.

Boiling Point of Water
This experiment is quite interesting for elementary students. To determine the boiling point of water you need to set up the experiment with a Bunsen burner and a round bottom flask. The temperature could be measured easily by a thermometer. Fill half of the round bottom flask with water and place it over the Bunsen burner. Light up the burner at moderate flame. Keep an eye on the water and dip the thermometer inside it. Take the reading when water starts boiling. At least five readings should be taken at an interval of 5 minutes to find out the average boiling point of water. You can compare the difference and change in boiling point of water by adding impurities to it. Add sugar and salt and follow the rest of the process in similar way to take the readings. You will observe that the solution (after adding salt or sugar) will boil at a temperature higher than that of pure water. Citing logical reason, you can infer than the boiling point of water is raised on addition of impurities.

List of Topics for Elementary School Science Fair Projects
Lavoisier's experiment to extract oxygen.
Conditions for rusting/Relationship between rusting and moisture.
What fraction of air is used by magnesium in burning?
Effect of water on plant roots.
Find out the relation between transpiration and absorption
Do plants grow taller hydroponically or in soil?
How do different cations and pH affect growth of beans.
How does the membrane and shell of an egg help protect a baby chick?
Experiment of surface tension with formation of bubbles.
An experimental model to show eruption of volcano.
Level of nitrogen and plant growth.
Demonstrate the inertia of an egg.
Demonstrate Bernoulli's Principle with an experiment.
What is the relation between plant growth and light (phototropism).
How do you create an electromagnet?
Do white candles burn at a different rate than colored candles?
Do the same types of mold grow on all types of bread?
Effect of temperature and salinity on surface tension of water.
Does electricity move better through thick wires or thin ones?

A science project on mirrors and reflection of light.
Production of carbon dioxide due to reaction of an acid and a carbonate compound.
Separate colors in a green leaf using chromatography.
I hope you have found the article useful enough for getting some ideas on making a science project. Explore your scientific endeavor and bring out the best within you to create a commendable and thought provoking project work.

Basement Playroom Ideas

There are many basement playroom ideas that can help you to utilize a basement. In this article we are going to discuss some ideas for converting a basement into a playroom.Having a playroom in your house is a wonderful idea, especially if you have small children. Kids need a room for themselves to have fun and play games with their friends. Many parents try to convince their kids to use their bedroom as a playroom. But that seldom works out as kid bedroom are often small and cannot accommodate toys, craft materials and other play things. Another problem is that with kids bedroom furniture like bed, wardrobe and study table, it hardly leaves space for the child and his friends to play. To avoid all these problems it is best to demarcate a room that is specifically used for playing. If you have a playroom, you do not have to worry about your kids just slumping in front of the television or computer. But how do you find space for a playroom? A good idea would be to convert the basement of your home into a playroom. Even if you have a half finished basement it can be converted into a beautiful playroom for your kids. Here we are going to discuss some basement playroom ideas.

Ideas for Converting a Basement Into a Playroom

To convert a basement into a kid friendly room for them to play in, you need to furnish and decorate it carefully. The first thing that you need to do is choose the wall colors for the basement. Basements are usually big and spacious, but do not receive plenty of sunlight, you should choose bright and vivid colors. Choose wall colors like sunny yellow, tangerine, peach and lime green. These warm colors gives the basement a cozy look, which is exactly what you are aiming for. Instead of painting all the walls of the basement in a single hue, it is best to combine a bright color with a neutral color. Leave sophisticated colors like plum, aubergine and gray for your living room or study.

Since smaller kids like to play on the ground with their toys, the best kids basement playroom ideas is to have the flooring carpeted. If you have hardwood floors or even cement floors, carpeting the basement is important as such floors are not kid friendly. Do not try to cut cost by placing some small rugs instead of carpets. Kids might slip on rugs and can seriously injure themselves. A neutral colored soft carpet like a easy maintain Berber carpet works very well for a basement playroom. To avoid making the basement playroom look like a dungeon, you will need to install an effective lighting system. Installing track lighting, recessed lighting and big pendant lighting works well in a kids playroom. Since basements usually have a low ceiling, recessed lighting is a very good choice for a kids basement playroom. Avoid floor lamps and table lamps as these can be easily toppled by smaller kids.

It makes sense to break down the area of a basement into smaller play areas like a craft area and an area for playing video games. This way when your kids have a lot of friends coming over to play, every one can be involved in playing different games. A good basement playroom idea is to opt for small kid friendly furniture that are durable and scratch resistant, bean bags, small work tables and desks are additional furniture that can be placed in a playroom. Furnishings should ideally be cotton or linen that are easily washable and in bright and vivid colors. Basement playroom designs should also incorporate smart storage solutions for storing kids toys, games and other knick-knacks.

These were some basement playroom ideas that you can use to convert your basement into a playroom. With some good designs and smart choice in room colors and furniture, a basement can become a functional playroom for your kids.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baba Ramdev slams Congress

DIBRUGARH: Barely two days after being called "a bloody Indian dog" by a Congress MP in Arunachal Pradesh, yoga guru Baba Ramdev on Monday said it's time to oust the party, allegedly neck-deep in corruption, from power.

Ramdev, who had announced the launch of his political party in June and is currently in the northeast for his Bharat Swabhiman Andolan, got a taste of politics at a camp at Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh on Saturday when Congress MP Ninong Ering allegedly called him a "bloody Indian dog".

"If a Congress MP can abuse me in my own country for speaking against corruption, what sort of patriotism does the party talk about? What respect does the leader concerned has for our motherland," Ramdev asked hundreds of his followers who had gathered here to attend a camp.

"It's time to throw the Congress government out of power. The party has ruled the country for over 50 years. But what have we got except corruption? Everywhere we go, we come to know of more corruption and more scams," the yoga guru said. "We need to cleanse the entire political system. I appeal to all of you to fight against corruption unitedly," he added.

Ering, who had denied the charge, was asked by Congress to explain his conduct. He maintained that he had protested against Ramdev for the latter's questioning the merit of conferring Bharat Ratna on Rajiv Gandhi.

Ramdev also accused Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of being reluctant to take action against his "corrupt colleagues" in the Union cabinet. "Over `300 lakh crore have been stashed away in foreign banks. If the Prime Minister was sincere in his approach, he would have taken steps to bring the money back to the country," he said. "But since most people involved in the scam belong to Congress, the government is silent on the issue," Ramdev added.

Read more: Baba Ramdev slams Congress - The Times of India

Swami Ramdev Ji has been almost daily declaring on Indian & International TV Channels, since the year 2002 that Patients of all so called incurable diseases; should immediately start doing Yoga Pranayama (Rhythmic control of breath) for cure without Allopathic medicines.

After extensive research of the beneficial effects of Pranayama Yoga during last more than ten years, on millions of people in India, Swami Ramdevji has declared on Indian & International TV channels that it has been proved now that Yoga Pranayama (Breathing Technique Yoga) cures most of the diseases without Allopathic medicines or surgery.

Guru Ramdev Baba says that Pranayama Yoga is the complete Ancient Indian Therapy & Life Science, which is the Medical Science in itself that cures almost all of the Physical or Mental medical condition, without any side effects.

Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj has proved and declared on Indian & International TV Channels, "Pranayama Yoga is the natural cure for all Physical and Mental Ailments".

Swami Ramdev Baba has been declaring on Indian TV channels that all medical & mental conditions can be cured by doing Pranayama Yoga, with faith in God and yourself.

Swami Ramdev Baba says that it is your birth-right to stay disease free, healthy, slim, fit, look beautiful & younger, in complete peace of mind and get back robust health, better than your age.

Do not lose hope, do not suffer and stop depending on expensive allopathic treatments, when Indian Pranayama Yoga & Indian ayurvedic Medicines are there to help you out.

Make proven & time tested "Indian Yoga Pranayama" your " Family Doctor" and enjoy your life fully with complete peace of mind.

If you benefit and get cured tell others, if you need any clarification, ask us, say Swami Ramdev Ji.

God helps those, who help themselves with Pranayama Yoga.

Almost all ailments are cured without costly Allopathic medicines, operations or surgery.

Hope you shall take this in positive spirits & give it a serious thought.

It is amazing, but it is true that this is the cheapest and the cure to most of the so called incurable diseases too.

Just start doing it first at home, let the doctors tell you the amazing results, after which stop taking the medicines in consultation with your doctors. There is no harm in doing small breathing exercises, as Pranayama Yoga has no side effects.

It only has manifold beneficial effects, which cures all your major to minor medical & mental conditions simultaneously, in weeks if not in days, depending on how much damage it has already done to your body.


On 'India TV' & couple of other TV Channels, on Dec. 22 & 23, 2006, Swami Ramdev Ji said that Yoga Pranayama & the ayurvedic & Herbal Medicines suggested by him can control & cure AIDS. He added that the CD4 Cell count of the people affected by AIDS, which had fallen to 50; 100; 150 have gone up to 400; 500; & even 600, which is quite normal. He added that even the people with CD4 Cell count of 5 to 10 have benefited. CD4 cells (T4 count, T-helper cells) are a class of immune cells that gradually get depleted in HIV infection.

On Dec. 22 & 23, 2006, 'India TV' also showed a lady, declaring openly, in one of his Yoga Science camps to have been cured of AIDS. This lady had come to know that she had AIDS, after she lost her husband due to AIDS.


Quoting from page 55 of the monthly magazine "Yog Sandesh" (English) September 2006 issue, of Swami Ramdev Ji's Trust in India, "Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev while addressing the people said that Yoga & Pranayama have been successful in curing 200 cancer patients and he is ready to give evidence. The ancient science is also beneficial in case of AIDS and experiments are being carried out in that area. He would make formal announcement once the tests are completed". Swami Ji said, "Till now I have completed more than ten thousand scientific experiments. The patients of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, depression, can take part in the seven-day camp and check the results on their own. They will notice 50% improvement within a week".

This magazine is also available along with all the Back Issues of Yog Sandesh Monthly, online at

Swami Ramdev has largest followers in India, who get up early mornings & follow him on TV from 5.30 - 8 AM. No doubt that in India, his TV shows are having the largest TRP.

Western world is recognising this now, as most of the request for holding his week long camps are coming from Western world. Queen Elizabeth II of U K, invited Swami Ramdev to a tea party on the first day of his arrival in London, in July 2006. As people know he cannot visit their Country/ City, even healthy people are fallowing his Yoga Pranayama regimen, as available in his DVDs, VCDs, Books & magazines etc., to keep fit.

Swami Ramdev Yoga

P.P. Swami Ramdev ji maharaj has been daily announcing on Aastha Channel, since year 2002 that persons who are suffering from incurable diseases like High BP,Diabetes, Cancer, etc.; they should instantly start doing Pranayama Yoga for permanent cure without medicines.
His books, VCDs, DVDs & Audio Cassette on Yoga & Pranayama are available at this Site . These are capable to change your life. As numerous of people the world have cured his diseases by following Swami Ramdev ji's prescribed yoga . In these sets of material Swami Ramdev ji has revealed the secrets of Pranayama & Yoga, learned during his lifetime.
"It is your birth right to persist disease free, healthy, fit, slim, looking beautiful & younger, in complete peace of mind and get back robust health, better than your age" says P.P. Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.

Do not lose desire, do not spend time on expensive treatments, when Indian Pranayama Yoga is there to help you out.
God helps those, who help themselves with Pranayama Yoga.